Here is the new couple!

Chase, Miles, and Lillian looking at something.

Me, Katie and Lillian.

Aiden was feeling needy and decided to use Katie's dress as a security blanket. :)

... and off they go, into the woods to dwell among the fairies!
Actually, the dog in the photo was quite hilarious! And extremely curious as to why these two people were wandering out there when the party was behind them!

Sometime after this, we managed to make our way down to the reception. It was very nice. I met a bunch of people who apparently met me at some point in the past, and met people who I haven't seen since sometime in the past. Meeting up with friends, old and new, is always such a good time.
What was especially entertaining was the kids. Here is Aiden conjuring the ghost of Bruce Lee.

Kids going crazy popping balloons!

Summer, Catherine, and Chris - a couple of my dear friends!

Lillian ..

" ... and here is every reason for why i know that you are absolutely wrong in your thinking about whatever it is you are thinking!"

HAHA! Actually, I have no idea what I was talking about! But check out that mark below my eye! That was caused by jalapeno peppers that I was working with! Crazy, huh? I was being (kinda) careful with my hands, but I rubbed around my eye and it got me! That lasted about a week.
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