I really want to clean this space up this season. Last year, our then-roommate, Matt, made a little fire pit and we've had fun evenings around it. This cool rock and tree is nearby, but infested with poison ivy! As I get done with the bigger projects, I'll peck at this one and eventually put in some sort of shade garden.

Ye Olde Composte Pit

We cleared brush, put down a layer of mulched grass and cardboard and setup the A-frame for these melon plants.

Here is a better shot of the melons.

Raspberries are getting going, too. I REALLY want to take advantage of all the wild raspberries that are everywhere. There are tons of them, but they are crowded by sumac, wild grapes and other things that I don't know what they are. :\

Here is a pretty something that I don't know what it is. It's gorgeous though and they are all over the place right now growing wild.


Here is that prize 'mater. Comes up high then my mid belly right now!

Our grapes, strung up with care.

Last year I plugged a bunch of logs with shitake spawn plugs. I kinda neglected the logs as other activities got in the way. Buuut it looks like the shitake is alive and well! I'm going to put these down stairs in a nice cool and dark place where they can mature.

Here is a neet one I found! Looks like an Amanita judging by the flecks on it's cap. But this cap is shaped more like a shaggy mane, although I know this isn't a shaggy mane. Hmm. I'll have to check the field guide.

Chick mushroom.

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