Ya know - nothing - and i mean NO-thang spells independence and sovereignty like planting and working your own garden. My family and I spent this 4th of July weekend working on our garden plot and breaking ground on our new greenhouse, which will be of a steel pipe framed geodesic dome.
We are not strangers to eating salad these days. You can see we have an over abundance of the stuff! There are carrots and a few small strawberry plants in there, too.

This is the future home of what will be a geodesic dome garden. In an hour or so I will begin the first cuts of 3/4" steel electrical piping which will form the outside grid-work of the dome. In this picture you can see the outside arc of the domes foundation. It's a lot of work to remove the sod and knock of the dirt to preserve it for fill.
Here is a shot of the garden from the way back, near our mulberry tree. You can see that every plant has a cylindrical cage around it. This keeps the bunnies hungry. :) Pretty soon these will have to come off.

Mulberries. Our friend MacKenzie stayed with us for a few days and made a delicious mulberry pie. Heaven.

Standing atop the kids swing set you can get a better view of this bed. Kalarabi, califlower, brocolli and some other things that Katie remembers but I don't. :) Time to get out there and weed.

Aiden clipping chamomile flowers.

Lily and Aiden looking at something!

Jase and Aiden lighting sparklers

Holiday carcass.
... and the woman of my dreams, light of my life ... mother of my children and best friend in the whole wide world, my lovely wife, Katie. :)

the photo of holiday carcasses... I thought you were a vegetarian.