Here is Lillian and her new friend - the frog! And Zeb :) Zeb has been staying here with his family for the past 2 weeks while they get their new apartment lined up.

Lillian and Zeb in the middle of the dug out circle that will contain our dome greenhouse

Chicken treats!! They love the green tomatoes! They love to fight over them, which is very entertaining. Not pictured here is the 'alpha chicken' who seems to have the run of the little chicken show ... maybe next post we will show the 'alpha chicken' at her finest ...

The [finally!] weeded garden. Rows of beans! Beyond that broccoli, kalarabi, and other goodies!

Unknown mystery vines up on our vine-teepee. We think they are cucumbers, but at this juncture we are a little unsure of what in the world these things might be.

Different varieties of winter squash growing up a new A-frame. Acorn, Blue Hubbard, Butternut and what else ... can't remember the others. :)

Bethy getting ready to drive ... (oh shit!)

... and our new room. I was so concerned that with the move to the new room that it simply wouldn't be as messy as it once was. I am so relieved! =D Just kidding. We are very much in transition - but we're in there! Making it happen!

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