For instance, taking pictures of wild life. :) Lillian is very excited about her Monarch caterpillars! They have transformed into chrysali. Is that the true plural of that word??

Two of them are still working on it.

Outside, the unfinished foundation awaits. We are about 3 levels up now with one more to go plus the door. Deep in this hole we are mining for clay to use as a binder for the natural earthen plaster that we will use to cover the exterior of the tire wall. I'm hoping for a sort of adobe feel.

Here is another shot of the foundation. The center ditch will be a drain to capture excess moisture in the ground and shunt it down hill. The oddly phallic shape was completely unintentional.

Ya know, I've got some great friends. When I told them that I had a little project in mind that would require about 160 empty beer cans, they immediately came to my side to help! Hey! What's this? V8?? This will not stand, man.

Aluminum down spouts from Home Despot.

Cutting them with a hack saw. I really didn't cut them like this. Just for the photo!

Rip the bottoms out with tin snips ...

Cut the top off with a can opener ...

... and poke them inside the lengths of down spout. What can this possibly be? Stay tuned and find out!

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